I am going to take part in an historic event in my own time! That's right! I am going to get my fat lazy ass off my couch (that's for you Trinity!) next Wednesday, Tax day, and stick it to the man!!
How clever a protest is a Tea Party? How frickin' cool is that?!?! My nerd juices are just flowing!
And so many to choose from! I will go to Waterloo, Iowa City, or Dubuque to show my dissatisfaction with our runaway government and their stupid crazy spending!
I will be taking part in the MAKING of HISTORY, of which, in case you haven't noticed, I LOVE!!!!
I'm so excited!!!!!
Now, what to wear? I'm thinking feathers...
Maybe this...

Or maybe


Maybe we can finish off the day by sending 100 rounds of 9mm down range!! Yeah that's it! Or maybe breaking in my new "security system"! Gotta love it!!!
Oh dad...
Yeah, I've seen these...
We've gotten a lot of calls for our speakers to attend.
I'm not sure how I feel about them. They're a little too "pre-meditated" I guess for my taste.
I mean, if they're selling t-shirts and hot dogs at the revolution it's really not much of a revolution is it?
But still, they're cool. I mean yeah, anything to get Americans off the couch and involved has my support.
You go girl, Don't let this "crisis go to waste"!!!
I like the thong.
oh chrissy. will there really be tea? because i made these really good scones for easter...
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